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>> 讚!! 全國聯合模擬會考 九年級 張O穎 全國第一  (2022/03/31) >> 讚!! 石牌國中下學期第二次段考 七年級 張O穎 校排第三、班排第一  (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 石牌國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 胡O瑀 班排進步3名  (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 石牌國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 陳O翰 班排進步6名  (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 天母國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 潘O穎 全班第二  (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 石牌國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 陳O晴 全班第一  (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 石牌國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 紀O凱 全班第一  (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 石牌國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 張O瑜 全班第三 (2020/07/01) >> 讚!! 長安國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 欉O誼 校排第一 (2020/06/15) >> 讚!! 長安國中下學期第二次段考 八年級 曾O恩 校排第二 (2020/06/15)



教育的感動 需要兩個人
一個人會教 一個人會懂

專業   安師文理補習班強調以最堅強的教學團隊,教導每一位來就學的莘莘學子。堅持每一位任課老師的的專業素養,從教學經驗、全套備課、課程熟悉、教案編纂、考題蒐集、命題趨勢、解題技巧教授等均嚴格要求。甚至連只有升大學補習班才做的到「專業講義」,我們也堅持各任課老師須親手編寫。辦學多年來,已廣受眾多家長及學生的認同與佩服,每一屆的升學率與學生的在校成績,都一在證明了我們的專業水準。我們不擅長打廣告戰,更不屑打口水戰,我們只靠「口碑」經營,只求認真與付出。更有甚者,諸多學校任教的老師們,肯定認同我們的專業,陸續將其子弟們送來上課。在台北市,能以專業團隊辦學,橫跨國小、國中、領域的文理補習班中,我們當屬翹楚!


Profession    An School insists that only with a well-trained teaching team can each one of our students receive the best education. We insist on every teacher’s professional training including teaching experience, preparations and proposals for teaching materials, familiarity with all the courses, collection of the up-to-date test questions as well as the solutions. Teachers are also required to create their own “ professional teaching materials and textbooks” the likes of which are seen in the celebrated college entrance exam cram schools. Since An School inception , we have received significant recognition and admiration from parents and students.  Our students’ academic performance and high school acceptance rate can further prove that our efforts are successful. We only advertise our school by using “ word of mouth”; we spare no effort, so our students achieve outstanding academic performance. Furthermore, even other many school teachers trust their children with us. We have assembled the best group of teachers to provide the highest quality education in Taipei City


服務  「全方位的服務品質」已是廿一世紀各行各業的成功經營模式。為了貫徹這樣的信念,我們提供前所未有的全套教學服務:(1)補習班全面e化,家長及同學可以隨時在家線上查詢學生在班學習狀況及各科成績曲線。(2)除任課老師外,各班均編制專責導師實施免費課業輔導及隨堂檢定。(3)學生缺課,實施免費Full HD補課補救教學及加強輔導。(4)各年級編制全職總班導,專責與家長及學生聯繫溝通,使家長能在第一時間了解學生學習狀況。(5)教務工作電腦化,學生基本資料、各科成績、補習狀況、電訪紀錄等,均輸入電腦統一管理運用。其他如家庭聯絡簿、缺課即時電話聯繫、家長疑慮解答、升學資訊提供、選填志願諮商、特殊學生個別教育…等,我們也秉持服務至上的原則,用心做到最好!


Service   “Multiple Service” has been a successful business managing mode in 21st century. To accomplish this idea, we provide a full-scale teaching service.1Besides the teacher teaching in class, an assistant teacher also helps the students with their studies and gives out review tests in each class for free.2When missing the class, DVD recorded teaching programs will be offered to the students in time for free.3Instructors for each grade level are organized to communicate the students latest learning situation to the parents.4Information computerized, including the students basic data, grades in each courses, learning situation, phone communication record, are all entered in our computer system. The others like Communication Book, card punching in and out of school, phone checking while missing class, parents questions answered, preparatory information for schools, individual education on special students…etc. We also insist on our best service principles, and even make them better



版權所有 2006 © 安師文理補習班 .地址:台北市中山區一江街11-15號2樓 .電話:(02)25626993 網頁設計 by Good institution